Following on from my last post about what mountaineers eat when they dine, here is a lovely thing I picked up that shows exactly where everyone sat at one particular Alpine Club dinner in 1910. This seating plan came from a scrapbook created by the late Sir Locock who was an Alpine Club member. His place is marked by the red finger. It could take me years to research everybody on this list, but here is a taster of the VIPs who held club positions. President: Hermann Woolley, Esq. He held this position for one more year after this dinner and died 10 years later in 1920 at 74 years of age. He climbed in the Alps, the Canadian Rockies and the Caucasus (1880-1902). He did a number of first ascents and discovered the Columbia Glacier in the Rockies. He had a mountain named after him in 1898 - Mount Woolley in Alberta. He also took some great photographs. The one here sold for £1000. Prof. J. Norman Collie A great friend of Hermann, Norman Collie, aged 51 was Vice-President and sat at t...