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The Pussy Cat Willum

A while ago a relative gave me an old book about a cat called Willum. As I like old books and cats, I was most pleased with the gift. Little did I know what a gem this book would be because it contained wonderful drawings and stories about the adventures of a very nice cat that lived in 1960s England.

Willum was a glove puppet that would make an appearance on a children's show called 'Small Time'. He was quite a special puppet cat because it seems he had many professions - some glamorous, some not, and some straight out of the 60s. are some of his adventures...
Willum the Barrow Boy
Willum the Lord
Willum the Dustman
Willum the Newspaperman

Willum the Zoo Keeper

Willum the Milkman

Willum the Coalman

Willum the Movie Star

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